Dietrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski is an inspiring multi-talented man. His creativity manifests into various forms: books, articles, songs-music, poetry, art and more. His spark of life and love seemingly know no bounds. A refreshing blend of spirituality, personal growth, and metaphysics of the personal and universal kind. He has led an adventure-filled life having traveled around the world learning about various countries and cultures. We spent time together in Germany, Israel, Las Vegas and Venlo, Holland. Often, he has encouraged me and given me a different perspective. A life well-lived and a dear friend forever.
His body’s age is
75 or in binary code 1001001
how long have you been writing songs and screenplays?
Music is my first love, so I started already to compose when I was very young …
actually writing screenplays I started after I completed a script writing course,
before that I was writing treatments.
Right now I am working on an adaption of my Novel TAIFUN hopefully becoming a TV-Series.

any books?
I published three books about Lemuria:
Lemuria-the Land of the golden Light, The Crystal Cities of Lemuria and
Lemuria-Ashamah. The Aluah-Trance-Massage from Lemuria.
Then two novels: The Monk of Amazonia and TAIFUN-the Untouchables
All of these are still only in German.
Hope to get them out in English soon.
Spread out in my books and screenplays …
a couple of links to articles he’s written
how long have you led seminars?
Since 1978
metaphysical — tips
1. Never stop learning and exploring … especially about yourself, about your destiny and your true motives, purpose and intentions.
The honest and conscious process itself is a map for others und helps the world to change.
2. Explore your true power, free it and retrieve it. Be consciously conscious.
3. Search for freedom: freedom from and freedom to.
4. Adore true beauty.
5. Stop or at least reduce eating meat.
what hobbies do you enjoy? why?
I am in the fortunate situation of having shaped my hobbies of writing, music, art
and admonishing people into a money making profession
born and raised?
YES! Hope so!
Well, more context: My father was a teacher of math, physics and English, my mom, mother of 7 and a writer (mainly poems).
Both now on the other side of life.
Raised in different locations in Germany, from 15 on I was in a boarding school.
Many years in University, taking classes in Theology, German Literature and Art.
thoughts about aging …
Some years in rebellion against aging. Is a waste of time. Didn’t help ..
Then, since I am 75, well it is only the body … still not accepting invitations for get togethers of seniors and still paying full price for meals as a principle.
So, still somewhat in rebellion … and still not being in retirement, probably working until my last breath.
Which might keep me young.
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places you have traveled, where is your favorite place ? Why?
I traveled many places in the U.S. It is my second homeland, maybe even my first.
My spiritual journey mainly began there and there I had my deepest spiritual experiences with my spiritual teachers and guides Rannette and Dafydd Nicholas.
Touched me deeply: Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Sedona, Mt. Shasta, Big Sur and all of the West Coast.
Made eternal impressions: the Pyramids of Kairo, Jerusalem, Gaza, Rio de Janeiro.
Favorite? The flower Island Kauai/Hawaii. For me this is the place with the strongest Lemurian resonance.
Did many seminars there with participants
Second favorite – you might not believe it – Las Vegas.
Very magical City. I admit, I love gambling, while interacting with my Higher Self and the Divine.
They are not always helping me, but I believe in unconditional love even at a Roulette table.
My best friend lives there.
I also love Los Angeles. Because of the Movie Industry and the many wondrous experiences I had.
And because of the many LAZARIS-Events there.
favorite foods?
Soups, salads and fruits. Since I am a Vegan (at least most of the time, sins included).
I discovered the power of sprouts, the variability of rice dishes, Tofu products, vegan mayonnaise, falafel, eco sausages. Cannot live without potatoes in the many forms and textures. And spiiiiiceeees.
Favorites: Ginger, cardamom, cumin, curry. Love sesame seeds and sesame oil (from roasted sesame).
With self made Hummus and Gomasio, Guacamole and Salsa heaven is closer.
No bread, no milk, no eggs, or very, very seldom.
youthfulness and health, how do you remain young for your age? specific tips for others
Stay interested. Stay curious. Communicate on many levels. Dream. Write the dreams down. Always want more.
Allow emotional roller coaster.
Stay passionate. Do what you like to do, always first. Work your ass off for whatever excites you.
Give. Love. Reach out. Forgive the past.
Take one hour every afternoon for meditation or nap (which at times will be the same).
Love money with integrity, love yourself with tenderness.
Have a good Coach. I have one.
relationships with people, how have they changed over the years?
Come and go. Some never come back. Some surprisingly reappear.
Very few stay forever.
Sharing values and insights are my greatest joy.
Best friends are in my spiritual family – seen and unseen.
how has life changed over the years?
Maybe my biggest achievement here: No struggle anymore, in most areas of my life.
More composure and serenity. More forgiveness, esp. towards myself.
By my consciously conscious life conduct, many old beliefs and paradigms, traumas and wounds have no impact anymore or much less.
I am able to ask for help. Which in my case is another achievement.
thoughts about the future
The future will come. It is uncharted. We need to chart it, personally, globally.
It will come and manifest in the ways we envision it – with spiritual help and input.
The new world is coming, no question. The kind of journey we have towards it depends on how conscious we are,
conscious about where we come from, where and who we are, where we want to go, and who we want to become.
anything else you’d like to share?
Thank you for having me share, Celia Sue.
I know you a long time and you are one of the bravest women I know.
Love you and you, who is reading this.